Sunday, 30 May 2010

Sex and the City 2 : Fashion forward Heat Survival Guide !

So for those of you who for some peculiar, and unknown reason haven't seen Sex and the City 2 you'll be happy to know that I won't spill the beans on the movie. However . . . without spoiling the movie here's a few of my favourite moments/quotes; 

1) "Me and You ! Just us two"
2) Lily:"like Jasmine and Aladdin"
    Carrie: "Yes sweetie but with cocktails"
3) The fact that Tim Gunn is in the movie .

I went to the premier with my bestest (if that's proper English) friends Louisa, Faye,  Heather, Katie, and her sister Charlotte. My lober Christina was absent due to exams and we missed her ! Obviously we went in our dresses and heels, I wore my purple velvet body body con dress which was properly a bad idea as Louisa and I managed to eat two bags of popcorn and a bag of malteasers ! I did notice that alot of girls went dressed in maxi dresses or lightweight floaty dresses, which is a common dress style in the movie. Even if you haven't seen the movie yet you will be well aware that the four girls travel to Abu Dabhi. So how do four of the most well styled and dressed woman cope with the heat of the Middle East and still look fashionably fabulous ?

What ever their secret weapon maybe, I could do with knowing it as in less then a month I'm going to Sharm El Sheikh with my Trinity family ! I went to Luxor in 2008, with my family for a week and it was boiling ! Even though I was half away around the world and felt like I was baking, I still felt obliged to think fashion forward.

This is my favourite picture from this holiday ! The handsome man next to me is my lovely brother (sorry ladies he's taken).  I love the sunset behind us and i love the white embellished kaftan dress I'm wearing obviously accessorized with my usually beehive hair. But can i pull the same look off again ? Will this look be on trend for Summer 2010 ? I'm not taking any chances so i've bought a whole new holiday wardrobe ! =]

This is one of my favourite dresses !

So here's my fashion survival guide tips for going to such hot countries (and by the way Bex checked on her phone the other day and it was 38 degrees in Sharm El Sheikh)

1) Avoid black as it absorbs sunlight and heat
2) White is your best friend
3) Wear lightweight cottons or chiffon clothes
4) Respect local customs when it comes to clothing
5) Avoid to much embellishment as this could irritate you
6) Wooden and glass bead jewellery will give you an ethnic but an on trend look
7) Cosmopolitans are still a must (but make sure you drink plenty of water)
8) Heels may look good, but you wont look good walking in them in the sand
9) A hat is a must weather its straw, fedora, trilby, floppy or a boating hat
10) Your key piece in your suitcase should be a Maxi Dress

So the big question is will Katie, Becky, Bex and Me look as stylish as Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. Or will we give up after a week in the blistering sun ! And let all our fashion beliefs out of the window ! Wish us look !

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Where have you been all my blogging life ?

So apparently i'm a blogger ! You wouldn't think this due to the lack of blogs and emptiness on my wall ! Massive huge apologies for this ! I pass the blame on to my ridiculous work load ! My last project was a Fashion Promotion Campaign we had to complete using a dress designed by a Fashion Design student. I wasn't happy with my dress, although others loved it and so did my model. I think my exact words were "It looks like a pink big bird"

For my campaign i decided to do a collaboration between River Island and Barbie. I chose River Island as i knew the majority of my class would choose Topshop ! And followers of my blog will already understand my hatred for the high street brand. I chose to do a collaboration with Barbie because in the past couple of years since her 50th birthday (she's looking good for 50 !) her popularity in the fashion industry has seen her being dressed by the industries top elite such as Vivienne Westwood, Christian Louboutin and Diane von Furstenberg, for her very own runway show at last years Mercedes Fashion Week, in New York.

Barbie now has her own handbag collection with Paul's Boutique !

Barbie has her own charms with jewellery giants Thomas Sabo !

Why not pick up a Barbie of the 21st Century ! No longer is she a fashion toy doll !
 But a must have fashion accessory !

So for my project i had to set up and style a photo shoot. The style of the photo shoot was in the style of a Barbie with the poses being stiff and restricted to movement. I must give mega thanks to my model Abigail Phillips who did an amazing job ! 

To see more pictures from this photo shoot go to my facebook page !

This is the final poster for my campaign ! Apologies for the missing billboard poster !

I hope you all like the work I've done and that it is a good enough excuse for my absense ! =]