So in the last installment of this part of my blog I wrote about how my next buy of the week was coming courtesy of However, I received an upsetting email revealing that the garments I had ordered were out of stock in my size ! Boohoo ! I dedicate this weeks buy to my brilliant mum who I could not live without not only because she spoils me but because I can trust her, tell her anything and take her advice with confidence, knowing she has my best interest at heart ! Basically she's my best friend and I love her !
The time to return to university is looming nearer and nearer, and I don't know if any other student takes there room decor into as much consideration as I do. For some reason I get into an interior design mind set !
Take a look at the beautiful home furnishings my fantastic mum has bought me !
Argh ! I can't wait to move back to my flat and I promise when I'm all moved in I'll post photos of my fully decorated room !
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