Saturday, 29 January 2011

my heart on my fashion photography sleeve !

This semester I have to complete a module called Fashion and Photography, within this module Fashion Styling students and Photography students will collaborate in creating fashion photography of the future by combining preferences, opinions, inspiration and knowledge. As part of our first assignment we have to create a blog and use it to post fashion images and photography that we find inspiring. I decided to use my heart on my fashion sleeve instead of creating a new blog as in my opinion what the brief is asking me to complete I already do on this blog. So I'm just going to carry on posting as I normally do. However I may post blogs more frequently and in more detail as I am now being graded on what I say instead of just having the freedom to leisurely share with you whats on my fashion sleeve !

Since starting this module I have been trying to broaden my knowledge of photographers and while researching currently working photographers I stumbled across Cass Bird.

Cass Bird photographs in both colour and black and white but I chose these three from your portfolio as I like how in the moment they look but seem effortlessly shot. Also, I like these photographs the most because they are in black and white and I enjoy photographs more when they are in black and white.

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