Tuesday, 22 February 2011

todays newspaper will be tomorrows dress !

While on a day trip to Blackpool I saw this outfit in a window next to the Winter Gardens. The garment is an evening wear dress made entirely of newspaper. The execution of this garment is amazing and anyone including myself could be fooled that the fabric of the dress is actually newspaper.

Seeing this dress was oddly a coincidence as my fashion image group and I have decided to use recyclable materials within our photo shoot for this module. As well as using newspaper we have decided to use black bin liner bags and toilet roll. Through a mixture of design and trial and error we have create three outfits that are on trend and wearable.

Our concept idea for this photo shoot reminded me of an episode of Project Runway where the designers had to construct garments out of paper.
 Here are my favourite examples !

Dress by Christopher Straub

Coat by Irina Shabayeva

Here some further examples I have found on the Internet !

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